Cannon Evolution is the core of this week’s event in Clash Royale, as every player will have a cannon locked to their deck, and be required to choose cards that can benefit most from this new evolution.
The good news is Cannon is a versatile card and can easily fit into many decks. After all, each deck will eventually need a structure card to stop rushing units. However, keep in mind that the evolution will now add more usability to the cannon, making it even better than before.
Best Decks For Cannon Evolution

Deck 1 | Deck 2 | Deck 3 |
Cannon Evolution | Cannon Evolution | Cannon Evolution |
Firecracker Evolution | Musketeer Evolution | Musketeer Evolution |
Knight | Bowler | Fireball |
Freeze | Tombstone | Hog Rider |
Arrows | The Log | The Log |
Pekka | Knight | Skeletons |
Barbarian Barrel | Miner | Ice Spirit |
Miner | Flying Machine | Ice Golem |
Average Elixir Cost: 3.5 | Average Elixir Cost: 3.4 | Average Elixir Cost: 2.6 |
Tower Troop: Princess | Tower Troop: Princess | Tower Troop: Princess |
The first deck is quite powerful against any rushing unit, as the player can use multiple combos, such as Cannon and Knight, Cannon and Firecracker, or Cannon and Barbarian Barrel.
On the offense, sending Pekka forward while having Firecracker behind her as a supporter will work magic! In the Double Elixir phase, you can also add Freeze to the combo above to deal devastating damage to the opponents.
Deck 2 will use the power of Musketeer Evolution to eliminate big threats at a longer distance before they can even enter your territory. Flying Machine will also play a crucial role in dealing damage to the tower while it’s distracted either by Miner or Knight.
Tombstone in this deck is a great trap for rushing units and giants that can work in conjunction with Cannon to neutralize opponent attacks.
Deck 3 is the good old Hog Cycle that everyone knows about. The only thing players need to do is to keep the loop circling by sending Hog Rider forward and covering it with The Log or Fireball when required.