When CIG introduced the new Warranty system for Star Citizen 1.0, it raised a lot of eyebrows as to how it could change the current insurance system offered in the Pledge Store, especially for those who are basically LTI hunters!
CIG revealed at CitizenCon 2954 that insurance will only pay the credits equivalent of the destroyed ship, while to get an identical ship back, players will need to have a Warranty, which is a new system that will be implemented in 1.0.
Today, a new post appeared on Spectrum from the creative content lead, Jared Huckaby, explaining all things that will and will not change about the insurance system.

According to Huckaby, all ships and vehicles that have been purchased from the Pledge Store or attached to a player’s account on the RSI website (through gifts), regardless of their insurance period, will have permanent warranty forever, once Star Citizen 1.0 becomes available.
However, a warranty cannot be used without insurance. So, if a ship has LTI, that means it will always be claimable in-game, with the owner not required to purchase or add anything in-game to it.
On the other hand, timed insurance, whether it’s 1-month or 10-year, will run out as soon as the time limit is reached. This will not deactivate the warranty though. The player will just need to buy insurance again with the in-game currency, and once it is purchased, the warranty will also apply automatically.
All the insurance and warranty levels offered on the Pledge Store at the moment are Level 1. If a player wants to upgrade to Level 2 or Level 3 insurance and warranty, they will need to do so by spending in-game currency. There will be no option to get Level 2 or Level 3 insurance and warranty through the Pledge Store.
Level 2 and Level 3 will respectively include the customized components and decorations in the insurance or warranty.
Now, moving on to the ships purchased in-game, players are suggested to buy insurance after purchasing a ship using in-game money. If an uninsured ship is destroyed in the verse, it will be lost forever.
Warranty, on the other hand, cannot be purchased for in-game ships, but it can be earned through multiple ways. Once a warranty is owned, the player will have the right to apply it to any ship that is purchased via in-game currency. There is no information on whether the in-game earned warranties will be timed or permanent.
So, this long explanation should push all the dark clouds away from how the current LTI system works and how it will change in the future. Fortunately, the backers who have purchased the ship from the pledge store, not only lose value but also gain access to a warranty at no extra cost, which sounds great.