“It Will Always Be A Windmill Battle,” DayZ Dev On Fixing Duplication Exploit

by Cole Phelps

DayZ has been one of the longest-running survival games and spent a pretty long time in Early Access before its full launch, but when it comes to the duplication exploit, it seems like the developers really don’t have an answer for that.

Shared by the Reddit user, DayZ8, the official DayZ moderator on Meta recently responded to a comment complaining about the duplication and wall glitches in the game. The developer admits to the fact that it is difficult to remove such glitches from the game forever completely.

“Unfortunately, it’s a never-ending story,” says DayZ’s Meta admin. “There are new security measures implemented in the game with every update, but as long as there are people who deliberately look out for exploits, it will always be a windmill battle.”

Glitches and exploits are usually present in most multiplayer games, but to see a single exploit appear in a game multiple times is something that a few games suffer from, including DayZ.

The history of character and item duplication in DayZ goes a long way. If you do a little research on it on Google, you will find duplication guides that belong to 10 years earlier, yet the exploit still exists.

It is not clear what is the main reason behind the duplication exploit that prevents developers from fixing it once and forever, but it seems like even the developers are frustrated by it.

“Believe it or not, but most of us in the team play DayZ in our free time as well,” the DayZ admin admits. “And we are also frustrated by this behavior of these players.”

It is indeed a saddening comment from the developers to see them frustrated by an issue for which there seems to be no viable solution. But it probably frustrates the community even more that they have to live with such glitches appearing from time to time in DayZ.

Of course, the developer indicated that the DayZ team will still bring new updates and put more effort into blocking the glitches, but no promise can be made to not see the same exploits in the future again.

Basically, glitches are one of the biggest threats against any online game that requires players to work to reach a certain rank or achieve specific items. When a glitch appears in a game, other players who do not use the glitch expect developers to penalize those who abuse the exploits, and this sometimes leads to a conflict in the community, as it is not always so easy to identify who exploited the glitches.

The duplication glitch in DayZ hurts the gameplay cycle more than you may expect. Some players use this method to arm their friends and create a dominating group in the server without putting themselves in much trouble.