Most solo miners in Star Citizen still love Misc Prospector and use it every day to mine some rocks and earn a good profit. But, Prospector is just a small miner, and most players have a problem with its small storage space for mined ores.
Each ore pod on a Prospector can take up to 8 SCU of mined materials, which sum up to 32 SCU in total, but this number can be easily upgraded to 48 SCU by replacing the Misc ore pods with the Argo ore pods. However, this is not as easy as changing the loadout of the ship, as players will have to do the replacement manually.
How To Change The Ore Pods On Prospector

Fly to a location where you can buy Argo Ore Pods. It is usually available in most Refinery Shops, including the ones in L1 Lagrange Points (ARC-L1, CRU-L1, HUR-L1, and MIC-L1).
Buy the ore pods and then get back to the hangar. Now, retrieve the Prospector and then get inside the ship. Once you are on the cockpit seat, press “Right Alt + K” to unlock the ore ports. Then turn off the shields or just switch the ship to the QT mode.
Now get off the ship and use a tractor beam to take the original ore pods out. Place them inside the freight elevator and then bring up the new Argo pods.

Do note that due to a bug in Alpha 3.24.2, the ore pods may fall off the freight elevator when you use a tractor beam on them. In this case, the dropped ore pod will be lost forever. But there is a risky workaround for that.
For the workaround, you need to bring up two Argo Ore pods together in the freight elevator. As soon as the tractor beam is attached to the ore pod, try to pull it upwards so that the pod doesn’t have a contact point with the elevator. You will have a very short duration to do this, and if you don’t manage to pull the pod up entirely, it will fall off.

If you lose the pod, do not try pulling up the remaining one because it will fall off too. So, send the elevator down, and again bring up two other Argo pods. Eventually, you will need a total of 5 Argo ore pods to pull four of them successfully from the elevator.
After successfully getting the new pods out of the elevator, place them somewhere safe in the hangar, and then draw a gun with enough magazines in the backpack.

Now start shooting at the Prospector’s pod holders on the side. Make sure the ship’s shields are off. You may need to shoot more than a few magazines at the pod holders so that they finally detach from their position.

Once this happens, get the ore pod holder out of the way, and then you can install the new Argo pods. Without taking the holders off, it is not possible to place the new pods.
Repeat the same for the other pod holder and then place the new ore pods on the other side. Now get back inside the ship and press “Right Alt + K” once again to lock the pod ports. Also, make sure to repair the ship.
Save The Ore Pod On The Ship’s Loadout

Well, you have managed to install the pods on Prospector, but if you lose this ship at any time and claim a new one, the Argo ore pods will be lost and the new ship will spawn with the original Misc pods. But, there is a trick to prevent this.
Store the Prospector and then open the Vehicle Loadout Manager from the MobiGlass. Now, open the loadout settings for Propsector and make a random change, such as unequipping one of the guns. Then save the loadout. This way, the Argo ore pods will also be saved.
Now, spawn the ship and store it again. Then, go back to the loadout manager and revert the change you had made earlier, and save again. Your ship is now fully functional and it will always spawn with Argo pods even after claiming a new one.