Home Guides Hunt Showdown 1896: Sealed Hoard Complete Guide

Hunt Showdown 1896: Sealed Hoard Complete Guide

by Cole Phelps


  • Sealed Hoard is a loot cave in the middle of the map in Mammon’s Gultch.
  • In order to claim valuable loot, you will need to collect Pledge Marks.
  • Each player can earn up to 4 Pledge Marks during a single match.
  • Pledge Marks can be earned by looting a hunter, banishing a boss, or collecting Event Points.

With the anticipated release of Hunt Showdown 1896, the game now features a brand-new map, accompanied by the Scorched Earth event, that will deliver some additional quests and points of interest to Mammon’s Gultch.

Sealed Hoard is probably the biggest indication of the Scorched Earth event in Hunt Showdown at the moment, offering some exceptional rewards for hunters who are brave enough to enter the dark mining caves and don’t fear the terror of facing other hunters.

What Is Sealed Hoard?

If you open the map in Mammon’s Gultch, there is an orange marker in the Legends’ list named Sealed Hoard. While sometimes the marker is placed in the middle of the map, some other times you don’t see it. But it doesn’t matter. Sealed Hoard is always available and its location is always the same. This location always offers one-of-a-kind, valuable loot that is pretty hard to ignore.

However, looting Sealed Hoard is not free. Before you can claim any of the loot options, you must collect scores by doing a series of actions like closing rifts, killing mini-bosses, or defeating other hunters.

Keep in mind that some of the major loots inside Sealed Hoard can only be used one time, even if your teammate picks it up. So, it’s a first-come, first-serve thing.

What Are Sealed Hoard Loots And Benefits?

Sealed Hoard offers a wide variety of loots, but claiming each one requires you to spend at least one Pledge Mark. We will explain later what is Pledge Mark and how you can earn it. For now, let’s have a look at the list of loots:

  • Four Shot Boon
    • Offers 5 minutes of Stamina, Vitality, Antidote, and Regeneration boosts.
  • Big Cash Register
    • Offers up to 750 Hunt Dollars
  • Weapon Box
    • Offers a random weapon of either Shotgun, Rifle, or Scoped Rifle category
  • Master Clue
    • Reveals the locations of both bosses on the map
  • Ammo And Tools Box
    • Fills all the magazines
  • Restoration Kit
    • Fully restores health, even the lost chunks of HP
  • Dark Sight Boost Boon
    • Refills Dark Sight Boost to the maximum amount if you carry a Bounty Token

Aside from the rewards above, which are the major rewards and each one of them requires 1 Pledge Mark, you will also find usual health kits and ammo boxes in Sealed Hoard as well.

How To Collect Pledge Marks To Use At Sealed Hoard

There are a variety of ways you can earn Pledge Marks, some of them are quite easy, while some others require bravery and skill:

  • The first boss that you banish a boss, it will give every member of the team a Pledge Mark.
  • The first enemy hunter that you loot will give every member of the team a Pledge Mark.
  • The first time that your team collects 30 Event Points, every member will be rewarded with a Pledge Mark.
    • Event Points can be earned by killing bosses and mini-bosses, banishing bosses, looting other hunters, and closing rifts.

Keep in mind that each method above can be used only once. So, if you kill and loot a second hunter in the match, it will not grant any Pledge Marks. The same is applicable to the other methods.

During each match, players can earn up to 4 Pledge Marks and no more. If you extract, the hunter will keep the Pledge Marks that have not been used.

Bounty Token At Sealed Hoard

According to Crytek, there should be a single Bounty Token at Sealed Hoard that grants players 100 Event Points upon acquiring and extracting it.

However, it seems like this token is currently bugged. We visited Sealed Hoard multiple times in multiple matches but no Bounty Token spawns in that location. Even the usual boss contracts never spawn inside Sealed Hoard.

At this point, it seems like the Bounty Token spawn at Sealed Hoard is bugged, though Crytek has not admitted anything. We will update this post if we learn anything new about this Bounty Token.