Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is almost at the end of its life cycle with Black Ops 6 releasing in less than four months from now, but the players still refuse to complete the campaign mode of the latest Sledgehammer product.
According to Steam’s achievement list for Modern Warfare 3, only 2.2% of PC players own the achievement for the campaign mode completion so far, which turns such an achievement into an ultra-rare badge on Steam.
Although Modern Warfare 3’s campaign was lackluster with an ending that left everything to a future entry in the series, the current completion rate is still a bit worrying for the franchise, even for a game like Call of Duty the multiplayer mode always overshadows the campaign.
The quality of the campaign mode definitely has something to do with the completion rate. If we had an achievement for the number of people who have started the campaign, we could have had a better judgment on this.

Modern Warfare 3 was the first game in the series that introduced semi-open-world missions for the campaign mode. With the new approach, players drop into a map with multiple objectives, where they can complete each objective at their own pace and order.
To be honest, this new approach hardly resonates with the classic linear Call of Duty campaigns. Instead, the semi-open-world missions made the Modern Warfare 3 campaign feel like Warzone contracts. So, while the changes should have given players a more immersive experience, they took away the epic moments of the campaign and replaced them with shallow objectives.
While this isn’t the case for all Modern Warfare 3 chapters, it still overshadows a large part of the missions. This, obviously, is not the only reason why players decided not to complete the campaign, but it is hard to believe that it is not a reason at all.
With Call of Duty Black Ops 6 coming on October 24 this year, Activision tries to return to the roots, as both multiplayer and zombie modes have promising features that we have not seen in the series for a long time. If the same approach is applied to the campaign mode too, we could probably expect a surge in the campaign completion rate. Otherwise, I wouldn’t blame Activision for cutting the campaign mode from the next Call of Duty titles.