Even Prince Fans Think The Recent Buff In Clash Royale Is A Little Bit Too Much

by Cole Phelps

Clash Royale has seen many changes recently with the addition of Goblin Queen, but it seems like Supercell has gone a little bit too far with buffing Prince, as the new charge speed value allows him to destroy anything located a little bit away from him in a blink of an eye, up to a point that even his fans admit it!

After it was launched in a pretty overpowered state, Goblin Machine was nerfed only a few days later to fall in line with the rest of the 5-Elixir cards. But now it seems Prince may also receive a small surgery from Supercell after the recent buff, as Clash Royale players on Reddit admit that he is more powerful now than he should have been.

The Reddit user Technical-Curve5038 recently shared a clip of their playthrough, where Prince manages to charge his dash three times after crossing the bridge, dealing with three different units, and even damaging the Crown Tower in the end.

“It’s crazy how it gets so much value now because everyone doesn’t expect it to charge in such a small amount of time,” says a comment on Reddit reacting to how surprising it may look for those who didn’t really care about his buff.

Prince can now charge his dash in 1.5 tiles, which allows him to deal charged damage to anything that is located 2 tiles away from him. Before this buff, Prince used to walk 3 tiles and then start dashing.

However, a significant amount of players believe that nerfing Prince’s charge speed back to 2 tiles is more reasonable. “I think they’ll change it to 2 tiles,” says another comment. “1.5 is actually so small when you see videos like this or realize he can nearly handle Pekka solo.”

Just a few hours later, another post appeared on the same sub-Reddit by user RingTheBell1900, showing Prince again using three consecutive charged attacks in a pretty small area to destroy troops and damage the King Tower.

When looking at the official stats though, it seems like the Prince buff has not affected the top-tier ranks so much. According to Royale API, the win rate and usage rate for Prince have reached 11% and 52% respectively in the Ranked mode since the buff was applied.

When looking at the Ultimate Champion games, the usage rate has increased by 5%, but the overall win rate is still 52% with a quite minimal increase in the last three days. Despite having a 14% usage rate, Prince is not even among the top ten cards for Ultimate Champion players.

Contrary to what the community believes, it doesn’t seem like the Prince buff affects the game in a larger scope. Now, the buff has been out for three days, and these numbers will surely change over time, and may eventually push the win rate of Prince towards 60% in the long run, but we probably shouldn’t expect an urgent nerf.

When Goblin Machine received that emergency nerf, its usage rate was at 15% with a win rate of over 56% in the Ultimate Champion rank. But Goblin Machine also had a questionable design, as the rocket launcher used to deal more damage on the Crown Tower than the actual Rocket card.