Rainbow Six Siege Bug May Now Matchmake You In 1v5 Without A Team

by Cole Phelps

You are definitely wrong if you think you have seen it all! We are not even a month away from the launch of Y9S2 in Rainbow Six Siege, and the community still faces more surprising bugs as they put more hours into the New Blood season.

A Rainbow Six Siege player on Xbox recently reported a weird bug on Reddit in Year 9 Season 2, where the matchmaking system put them in a 1v5 match from the very beginning, and no, it wasn’t a Quick Match! The player indeed queued for a Standard match and he was put into a game with 5 other players, but all on the opposite team!

This is not a bug you can easily witness in any multiplayer game, as it is usually the basic functionality of a matchmaking system to let players into a match only when the minimum threshold of players is reached on both sides. However, even the matchmaking system seems to have problems this season, though it has to be a rare bug as we haven’t seen it reported much since the release of New Blood.

The worst thing about this bug is the fact that it can occur in Standard, where you cannot even leave the game as you will get a 1-hour ban for abandoning the match. So, this poor player has to play an utterly unfair 1v5 match for four rounds to finally leave the agony.

“At least you are KD positive,” says a comment in response to the Reddit post, which indeed seems to be the only positive part of this experience for the player affected by the bug. Now, we hope they have reported this bug to R6 Fix, as none of us would like to have a similar experience either in Ranked or Standard.

Since its release, Operation New Blood has been plagued by multiple bugs that prevent players from having a fair and smooth experience. From visual bugs that could block your line of sight, to exploitable glitches that have survived the last season and are still present in the game, including the glitch that allows Bandit to set up his batteries from behind a non-destructive wall to protect reinforced walls.

The game has even some of the basic UI functionalities broken, as some pages do not allow you to scroll down. Some operators have also been affected by bugs this season, including Flores, whose RCE Ratero drones could trigger a bug where the player cannot get back to the first-person camera after using a drone.

The first post-season update for Operation New Blood is yet to arrive. While most of the important problems have already been admitted by Ubisoft on PC and consoles, the patch is still missing.

Aside from this weird matchmaking bug, console players are now dealing with a bigger problem with the analog deadzone drift. While Ubisoft did make some changes recently, the issue is not solved yet, which forced developers to inform players of a further investigation of the problem today.