Rainbow Six Siege Y9S2 Delays One Important Feature Just Before Launch

by Cole Phelps

Rainbow Six Siege Y9S2 update goes live on June 11 at 6 am PT / 9 am ET / 2 pm BST, but due to a last-minute bug, Ubisoft will not deliver the new rappel improvement at this season’s launch.

In case you don’t know, the new Rappel overhaul is supposed to allow players to instantly get in/out of rappel state, even when they are sprinting towards a rappel point. However, the development team has apparently faced a bug in applying the new change, and with no time left to investigate it, they decided to push it back for now.

The patch notes’ page says the rappel improvement “was pushed back to a further season,” which probably means the bug is big enough that it cannot be addressed along the current season. Hence, we have our first roadmap change even before the new season kicks off.

Year 9 Season 2 is mainly focused on reworking Recruit, which has now broken into two different operators: Sentry for Defense, and Striker for Attack. Both operators will be 2-Armor and 2-Speed, with the ability to pick two unique gadgets from the entire gadget pool available to all Defenders or Attackers.

Moreover, the new season brings some balancing changes to Fenrir, Solis, and Deimos, mainly nerfing both defenders, while slightly buffing the new attacker.

Below, you can check out some of the important changes coming with Y9S2 as well as the addendum bug fixes applied after the Test Server sessions.

Striker (Attacker Recruit)

  • Armor: 2
  • Speed: 2
  • Gadgets: Equips 2 gadgets from the entire attacking gadget pool.
  • Primary weapons: M4, M249
  • Secondary weapons: 5.7 USG, ITA12S

Sentry (Defender Recruit)

  • Armor: 2
  • Speed: 2
  • Gadgets: Equips 2 gadgets from the entire defensive gadget pool.
  • Primary weapons: Commando 9, M870
  • Secondary weapons: C75 Auto, Super Shorty


  • Max Dread Mine resources (Mines): Reduced to 4 (from 5).
  • Max Dread Mine resources (Tickets): Reduced to 2 (from 3).
  • An inactive mine is no longer bulletproof.
  • Tickets are no longer lost when an active mine is destroyed. They will return to Fenrir’s inventory.
  • Disabling a mine automatically gets its ticket removed. They will return to Fenrir’s inventory.
  • Secondary Gadgets: Added Observation Blocker. Removed Barbed Wire.


  • SPEC-IO goggles remain disabled during prep-phase.
  • SPEC-IO energy duration reduced to 10s (from 20s).
  • SPEC-IO needs to fully recharge before using it.
  • SPEC-IO Detection range 12m (from 15m).
  • Secondary Gadgets: Added Proximity Alarm. Removed Impact Grenades.


  • AK-74: Added Vertical, Angled, and Horizontal grips.

Barbed Wires

  • Deals 5HP damage every 1 second when moving inside it.
  • Wire stiffness increased.

Bug Fixes

  • Gameplay:
    • FIXED – Players are able to eliminate more targets than the Target Drill objective states during Map Training.
    • FIXED – Enemies aren’t pinged when they are scanned by Observation Tool during an AI Bot match.
    • FIXED – Tutorial’s flow can’t be completed as the dummy can’t be scanned on the “Maintain ‘scan button’ to scan an enemy” objective during the Attack tutorial.
    • FIXED – Tutorial’s flow can’t be completed as the “Find all opponents by scanning them” can’t complete the objective during the Defense tutorial.
    • FIXED – Talon-8 Clear Shield remains in her hand if it is destroyed when picked up.
    • FIXED – Points aren’t lost if Operators destroy their own devices.
    • FIXED – Barriers aren’t destroyed if walls are reinforced with Azami’s Kiba Barrier.
    • FIXED – AI Bots get stuck in basement of the memorial room on the Clubhouse map in Versus AI mode.
    • FIXED – Operator UI is improperly displayed when a scan is used before the preparation phase timer ends.
    • FIXED – AI bots that are downed move faster than normal in Versus AI mode.
    • FIXED – Operators don’t receive electrical damage when downed if they leave and re-enter the electrified area.
    • FIXED – Shield damage animation is missing from Suppressive Fire effect.
    • FIXED – Players can’t complete Basics Tutorial if they restart in the middle of training.
  • Level Design:
    • FIXED – Players are able to hide a drone in the ceiling vent located in Red Stairs 2F on the Kanal map.
    • FIXED – Players can get stuck between two wood stacks located at EXT Garage on the Kanal map.
    • FIXED – Players can clip through an archway located at EXT Crash Scene on the Border map.
    • FIXED – Players can get stuck between the door and the fence located at EXT Warehouse on the Clubhouse map.
    • FIXED – Unfair lines of sight are present through the gaps in the tractor cabin located at 1F Garage of the stadium map.
    • FIXED – Window reflection isn’t accurate on exterior windows of the Tower map.
    • FIXED – Destructible walls don’t break as intended when destroyed with explosives on the Chalet map.
    • FIXED – Players have an unintended line of site for spawn eliminations in B Garage on the Consulate map.
    • FIXED – Operators levitate when laying prone on top of a sofa in 1F Sunrise bar on the Stadium map.
    • FIXED – Players have an unintended line of sight to EXT Parking on the Consulate map by running out from B Yellow Stairs to EXT Courtyard.
    • FIXED – Echo’s Yokai Drone can see through textures on the ceiling on 2F Party Room on the Outback map.
    • FIXED – Echo’s Yokai drone can get stuck behind a washing machine in B Laundry Storage on the Oregon map.
    • FIXED – Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System gets stuck underneath some barricades instead of rolling through them in multiple locations on multiple maps.
    • FIXED – Throwable and sticky devices have no collision with a Christmas tree stand in 1F VIP Room on the Kafe Dostoyevsky map.
    • FIXED – Players are able to navigate onto vending machines located at 2F Break Room of the Border map.
    • FIXED – Players are able to navigate onto the vending machines located at 1F Tellers on the Border map.
    • FIXED – Smoke’s Remote Gas Grenade can’t be retrieved if thrown between a wall and weapon case in 1F Armory on the Lair map.
    • FIXED – Maestro’s Evil Eye can be placed in an unintended spot in 2F Office on the Chalet map.
    • FIXED – Defenders can get an unfair advantage on top of a forklift located in B Barrels on the Lair map.
    • FIXED – Players get stuck between a fence and crated in Damage Lane on the Shooting Range map.
    • FIXED – Players can reach an advantageous line of sight in 2F Meeting Room on the Consulate map.
    • FIXED – Players are able to vault onto a chandelier in 2F Mezzanine on the Outback map.
    • FIXED – Various collision, asset, and texture issues on maps.
  • Operators:
    • FIXED – Players can get stuck in 1st person point of view after detonating Flores’ RCE-RATERO Charge.
    • FIXED – Brava’s Kludge Drone can hack more devices than intended if players cancel the hack while holding down the shoot button on controller.
    • FIXED – Grim’s Kawan Hive can affect Vigil permanently if Vigil’s ERC-7 is used while leaving and entering the area of effect multiple times.
    • FIXED – Ram isn’t displayed in the Operator Selection phase if the player does not own the operator.
    • FIXED – Tubarao’s headgear and uniform thumbnail is displayed instead of Deimos.
    • FIXED – Tubarao’s default headgear uniform appearance is displayed as Deimos.
    • FIXED – Osa’s Talon-8 Clear Shield doesn’t protect from flash effects.
    • FIXED – Deimos’ hands are misaligned with the .44 Vendetta when switching weapons while sprinting.
    • FIXED – Ying’s Candela shows a throw trajectory previsualization when deploying the device onto a surface.
    • FIXED – Deployable devices can be deployed on Alibi’s Prisma Holograms.
    • FIXED – Amaru’s Garra Hook can be used on the roof of EXT Range Terrance on the Lair map.
    • FIXED – Fenrir’s F-NATT Dread Mine doesn’t react properly if hacked by Brava’s Drone while active.
    • FIXED – Demios’ DeathMARK charge is not refunded if Opponents are in a state that deactivates the DeathMARK at the end of the countdown.
    • FIXED – Fenrir’s F-NATT Dread Mine gives back more tickets than what is used if players overlap mines and quickly switch to a deactivated mine while activating another.
  • User Experience:
    • FIXED – Wrong stats for shield during pick phase.
    • FIXED – Missing shield stats when hovering over ready button while playing as a shield Operator.
    • FIXED – 6 bullets are listed for all destruction types in the advances weapon stats screen.
    • FIXED – Aiming down sight time isn’t reduced with the Iron Sight.
    • FIXED – The weapon stats are compared to themselves when players select Ready in prep phase. Incorrect weapon stats comparisons are displayed when players select ready in the preparation phase.
    • FIXED – When a player-operator Observation Tool is destroyed while someone in support mode is watching, the static VFX persist across all Observation Tools for the support-mode player.
    • FIXED – Extra UI element is present at the top left of the screen while selecting an Operator during the Planning Phase.
    • FIXED – The scrollbar does not appear in the Locker after reaching 4th rows of items.
    • FIXED – Animation issue when exiting rappel while carrying the hostage.
    • FIXED – Missing image for Versus AI Update notification.
    • FIXED – AI Bot animations break if Bots quickly change direction or leave a position on the Nighthaven Labs map.
    • FIXED – Operator animations break when players move too close to certain objects on the Herford Base map during Snipers game mode.
    • FIXED – Operator animations break when players take the stairs in EXT East Spawn on the Stadium map. 
    • FIXED – Missing Advanced weapon stats on GONNE-6. 
    • FIXED – Aiming Down Sight Time and Reload Speed comparison colors are switched up when comparing weapons.
    • FIXED – The horizontal gauges for Damage, Fire rate, Magazine and Max capacity used for easier comparison between weapons are only either empty or full, with no values shown in between.
    • FIXED – The text “time needed to aim” and “6 bullets needed” in shooting record is blurry.
    • FIXED – Crash to desktop when selecting “Options” for certain returning players.
    • FIXED – The Return Home button from the Tutorial Rewards modal has no functionality.
    • FIXED – If the resolution is set to higher than the monitor’s native resolution, the Monitor and Resolution tabs will lose functionality.
    • FIXED – Various UI issues.
    • FIXED – Various Match Replay issues.
    • FIXED – Various spectator mode issues.
    • FIXED – Various localization issues.
  • Audio:
    • FIXED – Mono audio output doesn’t combine the audio into a single stream.
    • FIXED – Mozzie’s Pest Launcher hack SFX plays twice after the player loses control of the drone.
    • FIXED – Missing audio when players drop down a hatch while prone.
    • FIXED – Missing SFX for Solis’ SPEC-IO Electro-Sensor if player is eliminated when activated.
    • FIXED – Missing SFX for Nitro Cell when thrown onto indestructible surfaces between walls.
    • FIXED – Various audio issues.