Update: John Crewe shared another post on Spectrum, apologizing to the community for inaccurate information, and promising that Galaxy will indeed receive a base-building module in the future.
Original Story: John Crewe, the lead developer behind the ships and vehicles team recently shared a new post on Spectrum, making it clear that RSI Galaxy will not receive a base-building module, as there is currently no plan or concept of such a module for this ship.
According to Crewe, there is currently only a Manufacturing module planned for RSI Galaxy in addition to the originally revealed Cargo, Medical Bay, and Refinery modules.
Moreover, Crewe also revealed that Perseus will be the next ship from RSI in production, as it has more shared assets with Polaris compared to Galaxy.

Back in CitizenCon 2023, CIG officially teased a base-building module for RSI Galaxy, saying that players will be able to build a range of small to large structures using the module.
So, today’s news will probably hurt all Galaxy owners who have had high hopes to build bases and haul cargo using multiple modules of a single ship.
With Galaxy no longer an option for base-building, Crewe confirmed that Starlancer BLD will be the only option to build large structures when the base-building gameplay is added to Star Citizen.
Regarding the fact that CIG always mentions concept ships are subject to change, and that RSI Galaxy never had a base-building module listed on the pre-order page, CIG will probably get away with this controversial change once again.
However, the problem is why CIG waited all this time to finally debunk this rumor. They could have probably clarified this so much earlier. But why did they announce it after revealing Starlancer BLD?
The timing for such transparency does not seem perfect, but this could probably cause a significant number of Galaxy owners to melt their ship in the hope of getting a Starlancer BLD. However, it remains unknown how different the price tag could be.
Knowing that BLD is a base-building specific ship, it could probably cost less than RSI Galaxy, which is a sizey ship with multiple modules.