Save Stanton is the latest dynamic event in Star Citizen and that will introduce an entirely new gang of criminals into the game, along with some exclusive rewards for those who manage to complete all the missions before Alpha 4.0 releases.
Similar to Overdrive Initiative, Save Stanton will also roll out in multiple phases and Chapter 1 will conclude before 4.0 hits the Live servers. All phases will be available until the event ends, which allows players to join the event whenever they want. However, Chapter 2 will resume in Pyro after Alpha 4.0 releases.
The first chapter is already live in Alpha 3.24.3, and it requires players with a few missions that revolve around dogfighting, cargo hauling, and securing a base from criminal attacks.
Save Stanton Rewards

Save Stanton will deliver three types of permanent rewards for completing each chapter of the mission. The first chapter, which includes Phase 1 to Phase 4 is currently available in Alpha 3.24.3, and completing these phases will reward players with 2x Size-2 and 2x Size-3 Pyro Laser Repeaters.
The second chapter of the dynamic event will resume after Alpha 4.0 launches on Live servers, and players will need to travel to Pyro to complete it. The permanent reward for Chapter 2 is yet to be revealed.
Players who manage to complete both Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the dynamic event will receive some exclusive ship paints. The details of this are yet to be announced.
Phase 1 Guide
Must Be Completed 6 Times

The first phase includes six missions. However, they come in different variants. The first one requires players to help an under-attack cargo hauler. This mission will only include dogfighting, which is why players are suggested to bring a fighter, be it small or heavy. It’s also recommended to have at least one Laser weapon to eliminate the need for refilling in the middle of the battle.
The second variant of the mission also has a similar theme, but it will require players to load cargo from an exploded ship in space and deliver it to a specific location. This mission is best to be played in a group, with at least one player loading the cargo and the other dealing with the NPC fighters.
Completing each variant will unlock the following missions. Players are free to follow each variant they want. They can also change their mind in complete a mix of variants.
That being said, the mission can still be done solo, as there is a brief cooldown after beating multiple waves of enemy ships. However, bear in mind that you will need to have a ship that can fit up to 30 SCU of cargo, including 4 SCU boxes.
Phase 2 Guide
Must Be Completed 6 Times
In this phase, players will be tasked with an on-foot mission to take down Slicers while they are trying to prepare for something big. We strongly suggest you go ahead with the “Eliminate Slicer Operative” variant for this phase, as it is much easier to complete than the other.
All the player needs to do is buy a sniper rifle shoot down the Slicer Operative from afar and flee. This can be done quite easily.
Phase 3 Guide
Must Be Completed 3 Times
This phase, which is the most difficult one, requires players to take down an Aegis Idris stolen by Slicers. There is only one variant available in this phase, and the Idris must be destroyed to allow players to complete this phase.
Phase 4 Guide
Must Be Completed 6 Times
This phase is combat-free and mostly revolves around cargo hauling. In both variants, players will be required to find and deliver a number of materials to Pyro Jump Point. However, it is important to know which group the players decide to help, Citizens of Prosperity or Frontier Fighters. This choice will influence the rest of the event that will resume in Alpha 4.0