With the recent aUEC wipe that arrived with the Star Citizen Alpha 3.23 update, many players are looking for ways to earn money fast, and as always, cargo trading is one of the best ways to become rich, especially if you do it on a pretty short route.
Hopefully, we have a trading route to offer that only encompasses a single planet, which means you don’t have to Quantum Travel long distances, while the profit is still quite big! So, let’s begin with setting sail to Crusader.
If you don’t have time to read the full guide, check out the video at the end of the article, where we explain everything about this trade route.
Best Cargo Trading Route: Jumptown To Brio’s

Once you are in Crusader, check your Unverified contracts and you should have a Delivery mission named “Supply Re-Up”. After reading the descriptions of the mission, you will find out that it will send you to Daymar’s Jumptown in the second part, after picking up a package from Bountiful Harvest.
Once you have the package in your ship, the location of Jumptown will be highlighted for you, but you can’t directly Quantum Travel to the place. So, we suggest you travel to a location called TPF on Daymar, and then move to Jumptown’s marker from there.

When you reach Jumptown, do not deliver the package. Keeping the package in your ship will make this mission always stop in the second stage, and you will always have Jumptown’s marker on your Quantum destinations.
Now, step inside Jumptown and interact with the red terminal. Choose your ship and purchase all the available illegal commodities, including Widow, Slam, and Altruciatoxin. In case you get the Transaction Failed error, that’s because the real amount of available commodity is a tiny bit lower than the amount that is being shown on the terminal. So, reduce the amount you want to purchase by just 1 unit, and the error will be fixed.

Also, the terminal does not have a live balance update, which means you should leave the terminal and interact with it again so that it can apply your current budget to the amount of commodity you can buy, otherwise, your transaction will fail again.
After loading your ship with all the cargo, leave the area and find Brio’s Brakeryard on Daymar. Ping it and then Quantum Travel to the location to sell all the things you have purchased from Jumptown.
Keep in mind that Brio’s is a dangerous place and a ruthless gang of Nine Tails usually roam around it, targeting ships parked near the location. So, you should always leave your ship on SCM mode when landing near Brio’s, so that your shields can protect the ship until you can sell the cargo at Brio’s terminal inside the double-floor building in the middle of the location.

Hopefully, if you return to Jumptown to repeat the same process, you will realize that the commodities that ran out of stock last time are recharged again, though the recharge rate will reduce every time you repeat the process. So, it’s best to change servers after repeating this process three or four times.
With a Freelancer Max fully loaded, we made over 200K aUEC after completing the trade for the first time. Regarding the short route we took for this trade, that is a huge profit, and it works best for medium-size freight ships like Freelancer Max, Argo Raft, MSR, or Constellation Taurus.