Star Citizen Alpha 3.23 New EPTU Patch Lets Wave 2 Testers In

by Cole Phelps

The recently launched build of Star Citizen Alpha 3.23 EPTU welcomes Wave 2 testers to the game on the US and EU servers.

If you have not been able to try out the new features in Alpha 3.23 so far, check out your RSI Launcher now, and you might be invited among Wave 2 testers by now. If you are lucky enough, there should be another version of the game available for download on the dropdown menu of Live Build.

This patch adds two new features to the IFCS system of ships, which is the control system that allows you to make adjustments in different parameters of your ship via MFDs.

Gravity Compensation and Automatic Precision Mode are your new toys to play with. Both features are described as safety options, with the former remaining enabled by default in both Coupled and Decoupled modes. The specific keybind for this feature can be found under the Flight-Movement tab in the Options.

The Automatic Precision Mode, on the other hand, will only be activated after deploying your landing gears. This mode will force a maximum speed limit of 20 to 30 m/s to ensure your safety when landing. CIG made it clear that this functionality will be limited to hangars in the future. You can find its keybind in the same place as Gravity Compensation.

Keep in mind that there will be no UI indicators for now to tell you whether either of those new features is enabled or not. The team is planning to add these indicators to the new version of MFDs in the future.

One big limitation that will be applied with this new patch is the lack of matchmaking in the Arena Commander mode. According to the official patch notes, you can only run Arena Commander in single-player mode for now, as multiplayer will not matchmake you with other players.

Unfortunately, no fix was delivered for Distribution Center missions, where sometimes the mission markers are wrong, and you need to find your objective’s location on your own.

That being said, over a dozen fixes have been applied with this patch, including a fix for the “Exit To Menu” button that was not operating properly in previous builds.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.23 will be released on PTU servers once the EPTU tests are over, and then you can expect it to be released on live servers.

In a recent Roadmap update, CIG revealed that Freight Elevators, Personal Hangars, Item Banks, and Cargo Hauling missions will no longer be shipped with Alpha 3.23, delaying them for the next patch.