Despite being in Alpha, Star Citizen offers a variety of ways for players to earn in-game currency, and cargo trading is probably the easiest one, though it comes with its own risks.
We already talked about the best short cargo trading route in Star Citizen, but here we are extending that trade route with more stop points for those who are looking to make more profit with bigger cargo ships.
Trading drugs is not risk-free as there is always the possibility of running into real pirates and AI-led Nine Tails ships, but it’s an easy job to earn money without getting into a massive FPS or ship fight. So, let’s begin!
First Stop: Jumptown, Daymar

Head to Crusader and open your Contracts menu. You should have a Delivery quest available in your Unverified tab called “Supply Re-Up”. Accept the mission and follow the first step, where you are required to pick up a package from Bountiful Harvest.
Once the package is in your ship, the quest will mark the location of Daymar’s Jumptown, which is the place where we are about to buy our first drug packs. Since you cannot Quantum Travel to Jumptown directly, travel to TPF on Daymar and then move towards the Jumptown marker.

Park your ship next to the building, and then use the red terminal inside the building to buy all the illegal stuff. If your ship has a capacity of over 170 SCU, then you are free to buy everything available. However, if your cargo capacity is around 100 or below, you should invest your money in drugs that deliver the highest profit, including Widow, ETAM, Neon, and Slam. Altruciatoxin grants you the lowest amount of profit, which is around 1.3K per SCU. So, try to avoid buying it unless there are no other drugs to buy.
Second Stop: Raven’s Roost, Microtech

After packing all the drugs from Daymar, head to MicroTech. Once you are next to the planet, open your contracts again, and you will find a new “Supply Re-Up” delivery mission in your Unverified tab. The process is identical to the previous mission, as you will be sent to get a pack from Eueterp and then take it to Raven’s Roost located on MicroTech.
Raven’s Roost is the Jumptown of MicroTech hidden among the trees. Again, you cannot directly Quantum Travel to Raven’s Roost, but there is a Distribution Center close to it that can cut the long path towards Raven’s Roost.

After landing next to the building, get in and use the red terminal to buy all the available drugs. If you are lucky, Ravens Roost usually has a good amount of Neon and Slam available.
Third Stop: Paradise Cove, Wala

Next, we move to Wala, the moon of ArcCorp. Paradise Cove is the Jumptown of ArcCorp that used to be in Lyria, but now it has moved to Wala.
Finding the location of Paradise Cove is a little bit more difficult than the others, as it will not be assigned to you via a quest or anything else. The base of this navigation is inspired by Veantur’s video, but we have also added a bit to its end, as the video does not directly guides you towards Paradise Cove.
So, here is how we do it. Move to Wala and find OM-4. If you can’t see OM-4, it’s because either you are already on it, or it has been placed on the opposite side of the planet. In this case, travel to any of the visible OMs and then look for OM-4.

After moving to OM-4, look directly to OM-1, but do not Quantum Travel to it. You will need to move towards OM-1 using your Hydrogen fuel until you are 344.7 KM away from it. Once the distance is reached, stop and look for OM-6. While looking at OM-6, you should move backward until your distance from OM-6 is 543.5 KM.
Now, look at OM-5. You should move towards OM-5 until you are altitude from the planet’s surface is 1.9K. Your distance from OM-5 will eventually be around 430 KM once you reach the required altitude.

Now, change your Yaw angle to 336 degrees (the angle indicator on top of the crosshair), and change your Pitch angle to -10 degrees (the angle indicator on the left and right sides of your crosshair).

If it’s night, you can easily see the lights of Paradise Cove’s building. But if it’s daytime, you will need to move around 3 KM forward, and you can see the Paradise Cove building to your left inside the blue-ish area.

Park your ship next to the building and use the same red terminal to purchase drugs.
Fourth Stop: The Orphanage, Lyria

There is one more location left to buy drugs. Quantum Travel to Lyria, the other moon of ArcCorp. Find The Orphanage on the map, land next to the building, and buy the illegal stuff available.
Hopefully, you can Quantum Travel to The Orphanage directly, which is why this is a risky destination, as more than enough players could be hanging around.

The price of drugs in The Orphanage is a little bit higher than in other locations, and that’s why we set it as our final destination before selling the drugs. If your cargo space is already full or little space is left, it is not worth the risk of traveling to The Orphanage and putting yourself in danger.
Fifth Stop: Samson And Sons, Wala

Moving back to Wala, find the Samson And Sons Salvage Center on the map and Quantum Travel to it. This is our final destination, where you can use the red terminal inside the double-floor building of the salvage yard to sell all the drugs.
You can also get back to Daymar and sell the cargo at Brio’s Brakeryard, but Nine Tails attacks ships parked around Brio’s often, which makes it quite a risky place to sell a massive amount of cargo.

Depending on the amount of drugs and the type of drugs you buy, the profit will be different. For example, the profit for a fully loaded Misc Freelancer MAX with 120 SCU of cargo can vary from 150K to 350K aUEC in a single run.