Home Guides Star Citizen: How To Raid SPK And Wipe CrimeStat

Star Citizen: How To Raid SPK And Wipe CrimeStat

by Cole Phelps


  • Security Post Kareah is located on top Cellin, the moon of Crusader.
  • Grab a Cryptokey, some weapons, and lots of magazines, and eject from the ship next to the station.
  • Get inside the station via landing pads and hack the giant monitor in the main hall.
  • Once logged into the system, click Dismiss next to every crime and then select any of the reasons to wipe it.

Unlike Pyro, Stanton is a lawful star system in Star Citizen, and that means you will get penalized for doing anything against the law, be it as harsh as killing law enforcement units and innocent citizens, or as simple as landing in a forbidden zone.

While CrimeStat levels of 1 and 2 can be erased by simply paying a fine, any CrimeStat above 2 has no peaceful way to be erased other than spending some time in jail.

When CrimeStat goes up to 5, rest assured you will need to spend 24 hours or even more inside prison, and that’s not a short amount of time. Even if you go after completing the quests or mining, it could still take around 5 to 6 hours to reduce that long sentence to zero.

This leaves you with no choice other than raiding Security Post Kareah (SPK) and wiping your CrimeStat. However, this is more like a gambit. If you die inside SPK before erasing your CrimeStat, you will be sent to jail with even more convictions. So, think twice before making this move!

How To Raid Security Post Kareah And Wipe CrimeStat

Before starting the raid, make sure you are well-armed. Many heavy-armor troops guard SPK, and they will respawn infinitely through the elevators inside the station. So, it is important to grab as many magazines as you can.

More importantly, you must have a Cryptokey as well. This is the necessary device to hack the terminal inside SPK. There will be no Cryptokey to loot from SPK, which is why you are highly suggested to grab at least one before starting the journey.

Before venturing forth, it is highly suggested to pick up a ship that features ejection. Most fighter ships have this option, but bigger ships with a cargo grid usually don’t allow ejection. This is important because it will make the travel inside SPK safer and shorter. Security Post Kareah is located on top of Cellin, the moon of Crusader.

While there is a tricky spot beneath Security Post Kareah to park your ship without being shot by turrets, it is not recommended for the first try, especially knowing that you have a high CrimeStat and you want to erase before dying. So, instead, you will move with high speed towards SPK and when close enough, you will eject, traversing the rest of the path on your own.

If you don’t have such a ship with ejection, then you will need to get close enough to SPK until the turrets launch missiles. At this point, you should leave the ship and traverse the rest of the path by floating in space, which could take longer.

Find the landing pads below the giant blue circle of the station and move on top of them with a brief distance. These pads generate gravity and if you pass above them with a long distance, you may get injured by fall damage. On the inner corner of each pad, there is a cycle door to get inside the station.

Once you are in, look for the main hall in the middle of the station. It is hard to miss it, but you need to go through two gates to find it. Keep in mind that since you are trespassing, guards will shoot at you instantly as soon as they see you. However, there is a chance they won’t see you on your way to the main hall. That’s why you are suggested not to shoot at the enemies from behind. If they don’t see you, there is no need to alert them with your shots.

In the middle of the main hall, you will find a terminal with a giant screen. Below the screen, there is a port for Cryptokey. Equip the key and insert it to begin the hacking process. It might be interrupted in the process a few times, so make sure to click on “Continue” before the timer runs out, while watching for possible attack from guards.

Once you are logged into the system, it will bring up a long list with a “Dismiss” button next to each entry. These entries are your crimes, and you need to dismiss them one by one. After clicking on Dismiss, choose one of the options to remove the crime. Wrongful Arrest or Settlement Reached are safe bets.

As you clear the crimes, you will notice that the CrimeStat level is reducing. Once your CrimeStat reaches 1, there is no need to wipe the rest. If you can make it out of the station without killing anyone, do it, if not, just hold Backspace to force a respawn.

This way, you will earn one CrimeStat for dying inside a Trespass zone, but it will sum up to 2, and you will respawn at your regeneration location instead of prison.

One other thing to remember is that when a player raids Security Post Kareah, other lawful players receive a contract to land on the station and kill the trespasser. This is a serious threat for everyone who attempts to wipe their CrimeStat, and that’s why you need to be quick with wiping the crimes.