Home News Star Citizen’s Hotly Anticipated Ship For 2024 Is Now Flyable In 3.24.2 PTU

Star Citizen’s Hotly Anticipated Ship For 2024 Is Now Flyable In 3.24.2 PTU

by Cole Phelps

Earlier today, Star Citizen received a new version of the PTU build for Alpha 3.24.2, opening the gates for Wave 2 testers and allowing all Evocati members or owners of RSI Zeus ES or CL to test fly their new vessel in the PU.

It’s been a long wait since last year when the RSI Zeus Mk 2 series was announced during the CitizenCon, and now, just a few weeks before 2024’s CitizenCon arrives, two variants of RSI Zeus are ready to be released into the live servers, and for those who already own one through the pledge store, the ships are available in the PTU build.

Keep in mind that you must be at least among the Wave 2 testers to be eligible for this PTU build. One way to climb up in the ranks of testers is to participate more in the PTU channels and report bugs. Subscribing to either Centurion or Imperator plans will also grant you instant Wave 1 testing access.

Cloud Imperium Games warned players that they will need to recopy their account to the PTU build before they can access RSI Zeus in their hangar. The recopy is available through the RSI website on your personal hangar.

RSI Zeus ES is the exploration variant of the ship series that comes with 32 SCU of cargo space and a hab area for up to 3 crew members. The ship has two size-4 pilot weapons and a remote size-3 turret. Also, it carries up to 8 size-2 missiles.

On the other hand, RSI Zeus CL is the cargo version that comes with 128 SCU of cargo space, which makes it a direct competitor to MISC Freelancer Max. CL also features a hab area for 3 crew members, but due to the extended cargo space, the hab area is quite smaller than that of the ES variant.

Currently, none of the RSI Zeus Mk 2 variants are available for purchase through the pledge store, but it is expected that CIG will add both ships to the store once Alpha 3.24.2 releases on the live servers.