Tarkov Players Finally Get What They Wanted, Mods And PvE

by Cole Phelps

After battling it out for days with the community, Escape From Tarkov’s head confirms in his latest statement that all EOD owners will begin to get access to the new PvE mode before the 1.0 release, but it will happen in waves.

According to Nikita Buyanov, the head of Battlestate Games, the team has decided to scrap the previous plan to keep the PvE mode away from EOD owners until the 1.0 release, but since the infrastructure capabilities need improvements, the EOD owners will now receive access to the new mode in multiple waves, so that the servers can operate properly.

This is what the players wanted from Battlestate Games from the moment that The Unheard Edition was announced with a $250 price tag, exclusive access to the PvE mode, and some surprising pay-to-win items.

Unfortunately, The Unheard Edition is not going anywhere, but Battlestate Games will revisit the pay-to-win items and bonuses of this expensive version to apply some balancing adjustments. The same goes for the recently offered new abilities to the EOD owners.

The developer is going to dump the “Priority Matchmaking” feature from the offered bonuses while rebalancing the other offerings and thinking of adding more value to the EOD version.

Those who have already upgraded their EOD version to The Unheard Edition will receive more in-game bonuses to reflect their support of the game, though we have no clues on the offers yet.

Last but not least, Buyanov confirmed that Escape From Tarkov will receive official mod support strictly for the PvE mode when the 1.0 version of the game releases. This will be a huge step forward for the game, as modders can make the offline PvE mode much more engaging than it is at the moment.

It is now safe to say that the Escape From Tarkov community achieved what they wanted, though the damage that Battlestate Games dealt to itself will not be healed anytime soon. After all, this is going to be the moment to remember in the entire history of Escape From Tarkov and give every gamer a reason not to trust these developers so easily.

That being said, we do like Battlestate Games to become the old great team it used to be known for.