You are now forced to buy Diamond Pass for $12, or you will have to be happy with the Free Pass rewards.
Clash Royale
Only four cards can be used to win the battle!
Spawn melee units to unlock either Pekka or Mega Knight evolution!
The new Clash Royale event is live and here are two superb decks for back-to-back wins!
Pekka can now heal herself, which makes her a force to be reckoned with!
Mega Knight And Pekka Evolutions Revealed For Clash Royale, Both Coming In September 2024
by Cole Phelpsby Cole PhelpsTwo Cycle-1 Evolutions coming in Sepetember to Clash Royale for two giant warriors.
Goblin Queen’s Journey is now live, and it adds a whole new gameplay experience!
Find the best combination of Evolutions and outsmart your opponents.
Clash Royale: Best Decks In Goblin Bonanza What’s In The Bush Event
by Cole Phelpsby Cole PhelpsHit the bushes and make them join your crew before the opponent does the same.
You can now spend 50K Gold and upgrade your card from Level 13 to Level 14.